Let me take you a few years back. I am originally from Zimbabwe.
I could say l was born with a silver spoon but on the contrary, it was quite the opposite. My mother left me at the age of 2weeks old…. so l was told. l grew up with my grandparents and aunties. Because l grew up without my biological parents l always felt l was an outcast, rejected, unloved child, even though my grandparents and aunties loved me so much. That can’t be compared to motherly love…can it? Growing up I always admired my older sister and my other siblings who lived with my biological mother wishing l could be loved as much as they were.
Though l was born from a middle class financial background, life was not always fair. There were times l would go to school with a packet of popcorn to eat for lunch, and sometimes there was nothing because they was no money- the little we had was saved for dinner. There were also times we had to eat porridge in the morning, porridge in the afternoon because that was all we could afford at that point.
After school at times l would go and sit on the street to sell clothes to raise money to support my grandparents just to make a living.
I really respect my grandparents for raising me the way they did…as this taught me how to fight my battles, how to use my hands, work hard to get my desires fulfilled in life, they were and still upto date strong and hardworking couple.
An opportunity arose to migrate to the UK, at the age of 18, to now live with my biological mother. l have always had a passion in the beauty industry. But when I came my mum wanted something different for me, she wanted me to do nursing which l really did not want to do.
l enrolled in college to study access to nursing as l was told it was easy to get jobs as a nurse, so l did it for the money while l went to work every night in a care home. One year later I finished the course, and when the time came to apply for universities l realised this was all wrong, l wasted my year doing something l totally hated, so in the end l left the nursing path but continued working as a career in care homes working long shifts and long hours in a job I hated and was not fulfilled till I was 20 years old l finally figured out my next move.
Then, I met my husband, Efe at the age of 21, and we started dating. He is a professional life coach, a motivational speaker who, with his coaching skills, asked me some thought provoking questions that got me thinking and bought to my awareness that there was more to life than just working in a job I hated.
I can still remember it as if it was yesterday when he asked me,” What do you really love to do/what have you always wanted to do growing up?”
I said, “hmmm”, with a big smile on my face, I told him that I have always liked beauty and would like to start and build a career in the beauty industry.
Being a man who had shown interest in me, he encouraged me and asked me to make some enquires about studying beauty in the college.
To cut the long story short, I enrolled to study beauty with the Bournemouth and Poole College that same year.
Now, a new life and greater adventure began. First term started, at that time l was 20weeks pregnant with my first son, l did not tell the tutors anything until further on into the course.
There l was at 24wks pregnant, at that point l could not hide it anymore, l was getting bigger, more tired l had no choice than to approach my tutor and tell her. Well and obviously she simply needed to edify me on how hard things would become as the pregnancy progressed and she gave me a couple of decisions one of which was to drop out and enrol the following year once the baby was born. Of course you guessed it right……….. I refused!
But, you know what? She was right, l did struggled. It was hard. Simple things became harder and harder like getting out of bed. Thank heavens my husband was there to lift me out and enable me to prepare. l struggled throughout the course but l found that my husband and my tutors supported me all the way and l gave birth to a baby boy.
To demonstrate how dedicated I was in my chosen career, two weeks after I had my baby, I went back to school to continue my studies in college. Bless him, my extremely steady spouse, did his best to help me all through. When I was in school, he was at home looking after our little boy, Nathaniel. As hard as it was leaving my 2weeks old baby at home with my husband so l could finish my course l needed to keep my head up, with assurance, tirelessness and enthusiasm, l finished with straight distinctions. Today l 3D PRO LASHES, l am a mother of three, 4 if including my husband lol.
My skills
10 Years Experience
95% – Lash Extension
5% – Author and Writer
My awards